Peace Created and Peace Born

We all know someone who is naturally peaceful and who naturally takes the world by storm in their own quiet, peaceful, easygoing and carefree way. What is their secret? Do they just always feel comfortable in their surroundings? The truth is that peace created and peace born are not that different. People who are naturally peaceful were still raised in an environment where peace was naturally and easily available. Therefore, it stands to reason that those who are trying to create their own peace would be doing something inherently similar to those who seem to be born with it.
Peace is defined differently to all of us. Some of us have a need to for literal peace and quiet, with no hassles, pressures, or deadlines. Some of us just want to get along with people and as long as we have that, we’re good. And then there are some of us who just want to be physically safe and to be able to work at a real and stable job, and our needs are fully met. So, as you can see, we all have different requirements for what brings peace into our lives.
At work, we may need our boss to correct us gently rather than harshly in order to retain our peace. Sometimes, we just want the deadlines and pressure of work because it makes us feel alive inside. At other times, we will do anything at our jobs and put up with any type of stress just so long as we have a definite cut off point at the end of the workday, with no overtime whatsoever.
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