Body Fat and Alcohol Storage

Covert Bailey's The Ultimate Fat or Fit is one of the premier books on losing fat and actually keeping it off effectively, even while eating what you want. The author of this article highly recommends that book. In it, Bailey discusses how the body increases its metabolism when it is fit by aerobic exercise, and how fat people quickly gain fat back when dieting, while fit people find it very difficult to put on fat. This is because the body burns fat differently in a fit person than in a fat person.

While all of this is very interesting, the consumption of alcohol adds an entirely new dimension to the process. Alcohol stretches out fat cells, making them more prone to accumulating fat, and it deprives tissues from their normal rest and regeneration and elimination cycles. This makes skin and cells very tired and dead looking, which may be the cause for men and women in their thirties actually looking much older due to their excessive drinking. Drug and alcohol testing in the workplace keeps their tissues from becoming dead and tired, and it keeps their morale from dropping and it keeps their bodies from easily becoming overcome with fatigue.

Workplace drug testing eliminates the need for pep talks and pumping up your team members in order to motivate them. Drugs and alcohol naturally suck motivation out of people, and drug testing can help eliminate this need from the jobsite. Individuals, when performing their best work, feel their best. However, when the chemicals in their brains are unnaturally altered, this process of work rewarding itself can be almost permanently disfigured. It is really important to identify potential problem employees and to observe and evaluate them, even if you do not fire them. In this manner, you are exercising control over your business operations and are not merely hiding your head in the sand, so to speak. Mediscreen provides this type of onsite drug testing and alcohol screening for businesses all over Australia. We would love to hear from you and to know what you think about our services.

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